Woodborough Community Veg Initiative
We are creating a Woodborough community veg growing initiative which we would very much like local people to be involved in.
We believe that growing our own veg will provide a positive focus for local residents, families and children over the weeks and months ahead.
With the global food supply chain under increasing pressure, there is also a growing need to be more self-sufficient and build local resilience. Growing vegetables communally is one sure fire way of doing this. It will provide us with a bank of food to draw from should there be any future impacts on the food supply chain.
We are exploring various options to find areas of land we can cultivate together when current restrictions are lifted. However in the meantime, there is plenty we can do as a community in our own gardens.
If you are growing vegetables this year and have the space, perhaps you would be willing to grow more than usual so we can start sharing and creating our own reserve supplies both for our own households and as a community.
Perhaps you have seeds to share/swap?
Could you grow seeds into plants that could be shared across the village?
Could you plant an extra bag of potatoes, grow more lines of spinach, or sow double the amount of peas or another crop?
We could swop plants at the end of May/beginning of June
We can help with the harvest, as well as freezing and preserving any surplus
We have set up a Woodborough Veg-Growers WhatsApp group - if you’d like to join us please click here on a mobile device.
If you have never grown vegetables before but are keen to get involved, we will be happy to provide guidance and support.
If you need help sourcing seeds, compost etc we can also help!
We would love to hear what you’re planting/growing so please feel free to share updates / photos of your endeavours so we can create a “Village Veg Gallery” - see below.
And perhaps by the time the village fete comes around we will be able to welcome plentiful entries for village produce in a Seasonal Fruit and Veg Competition…?!
#growyourfood #knowyourfood #growthelove
Village Veg Gallery
We’re hoping this space will soon be filled with pictures of our own beautiful home/community grown vegetables but in the meantime here is some growing inspiration..!